The Importance of Sand Landscaping

If you’re a homeowner, the idea of sand landscaping may seem odd. Sand is usually associated with deserts and beaches, but when used correctly, it makes a beautiful landscaping material.

Here are some of the top reasons you should consider incorporating sand into your landscape design.

Low Maintenance

While grass and mulch beds tend to be high maintenance, sand is extremely low maintenance. With sand, you don’t have to:

  • Mow weekly
  • Water regularly
  • Treat with chemicals and fertilizers

All you have to do to maintain the appearance of sand is rake it smooth every so often. It stays looking great with minimal effort, which is why it’s the perfect material for homeowners who want aesthetic appeal without time-consuming upkeep.

The Importance of Sand Landscaping

Heat and Drought Resistance

Sand holds up very well in hot, dry conditions. It retains moisture to help keep plants healthy but also drains well so plants’ roots aren’t saturated in water.

If you live in an arid climate or experience frequent droughts, sand may be the best choice for your landscaping because it can withstand the elements. In climates where the grass gets brown and dies, sand remains vibrant no matter the weather.

Creative Design Potential

Sand offers lots of opportunities for creative design. Whether you’re into Zen-inspired raked designs or dune shapes, you’ll find unique opportunities to get creative with sand landscaping.

Custom sand art installations can also transform your yard into an impressive work of art that’ll be the talk of the neighborhood. But sand landscaping doesn’t have to be complex — even a simple sand bed can provide creative texture in your yard.

Soft Surface

Unlike common landscape materials like wood chips and pea gravel, sand is a naturally soft surface.

If you have kids who like playing in the yard, it’ll cushion their falls and provide a comfortable surface for bare feet.

If you have pets, they can dig and burrow to their heart’s content without injuries or discomfort. Sand is also appealing because, unlike gravel, it provides a quiet walking surface.

Versatile Placement

Sand is nice in a variety of placements, including:

  • Paths
  • Patios
  • Planting beds
  • Pet areas
  • Play areas

It pairs well with other landscaping materials, like greenery or natural stones. No matter what vision you have for your yard, sand can fit it.

Rejuvenate Your Yard with Sand Landscaping

Sand is a low-maintenance, inspiring, drought-resistant, and naturally beautiful landscaping material for properties of all sizes and styles. To learn more about sand landscaping and to inquire about getting sand in your yard, contact Tigard Sand.